This is Miss Grey. She is very alert and a little bit goggle-eyed. I think she is a goblin.
Miss Black & White likes to climb and perch. Although they are all short-haired kittens, Miss Black & White has a sort of nimbus of longer hairs poking through her coat. Her whiskers are curly!
This is Mister Tabby. Contrary to appearances, he is not dead - he was sleeping and I moved his head to show his face and he did this awful thing with his eyes. This picture doesn't make it clear, due to the angle, but he has a really high, round forehead and looks like a little teddy bear.
And this is Mr Tabby & White, the warmest kitten in the house.
OMG they're the cutest things in the wide world! I just want to smoosh their little faces and make silly noises at them!